
Key publications and publication metrics

Guerrero Lara, L., van Oers, L., Smessaert, J., Spanier, J., Raj, G., Feola, G., 2023. Degrowth and Agri-Food Systems: A Research Agenda for the Critical Social Sciences. Sustainability Science 18, 1579–1594.

Feola, G., Koretskaya, O., Moore, D., 2021. (Un)making in sustainability transformation beyond capitalism. Global Environmental Change 69, 102290. 

Feola, G., 2020. Capitalism in sustainability transitions research: Time for a critical turn? Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 35, 241-250. 

Feola, G. 2015. Societal transformation in response to global environmental change: a review of emerging concepts. AMBIO 44(5), 376-390. 

Feola, G., Nunes, J.R., 2014. Success and failure of Grassroots Innovations for addressing climate change: the case of the Transition Movement. Global Environmental Change 24, 232-250. 

Feola, G., Binder, C.R., 2010. Towards an improved understanding of farmers’ behaviour: the integrative agent-centred (IAC) framework. Ecological Economics 69(12), 2323-2333. 

Binder, C.R., Feola, G., Steinberger, J., 2010. Considering the normative, systemic and procedural dimensions in indicator-based sustainability assessments in agriculture. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 30(2), 71-81.

Publication metrics on Google Scholar

Publication metrics on Scopus

Forthcoming publications

Raj, G., Feola, G., 2025. Becoming community economy: how community-supported agriculture diversifies farm labour. Local Environment.

Smessaert, J., Feola, G., (in press). On the practices and possibilities of autonomous more-than-human political communities. Journal of Political Ecology.

van Oers, L., Feola, G., Moors, E., Runhaar, H., (in press). Facilitating unlearning in agricultural education: preparing for family-farm succession. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension.

Nicolosi, E., Feola., G., Pleune, R. (In press). Varieties of environmental movements, political strategies and movement dynamism. The Social Science Journal, DOI: 10.1080/03623319.2021.1900672.

Feola, G., (in press). Sustainability Transitions and Food. In: Holloway, L. Goodman, M.K., Maye, D., Kneafsey, M., Sexton, A., Moragues Faus, A. (Eds.) The Elgar Encyclopedia of Food and Society. Edward Elgar.


Feola, G., 2025. Postgrowth food systems: critique, visions, pathways. Degrowth Journal 3, 00278.


Rossi, A., Piccoli, A., Feola, G. (in press). Transforming labour around food? the experience of community supported agriculture in Italy. Agriculture and Human Values 41, 1667–1686.

van Oers, L., Smessaert, J., Feola, G., 2024. Initiating transformation within a Dutch grassroots agri-food initiative: An analysis of social processes. Sociologia Ruralis 64(4), 571-591.

Smessaert, J., Feola, G., 2024. Becoming-interdependent: democratic praxis in-against-and-beyond capitalism in agrifood collectives. Antipode 56(5), 1903-1926. 

Lonkila, A., Lukkarinen, J., van Oers, L., Feola, G., Kaljonen, M., 2024. Just destabilisation? Considering justice in the phase-out of peat. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 52, 100867. 

Patterson, J.J., Feola, G., Kim, R., 2024. Negotiating discord in sustainability transformations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121 (21) e2310186121.

Feola, G., 2024. Trampas de la Economía Circular. Revista Kawsaypacha: Sociedad Y Medio Ambiente, (13), A-005.

Raj, G., Feola, G., Runhaar, H., 2024. Work in progress: power in transformation to postcapitalist work relations in community-supported agriculture. Agriculture and Human Values 41(1), 1-23.

Spanier, J., Guerrero Lara, L., Feola, G., 2024. A one-sided love affair? On the potential for a coalition between degrowth and community-supported agriculture in Germany. Agriculture and Human Values 41, 25-45.

Elwin, A., Robinson E.J.Z., Feola, G., Vintana, V., Clark, J., 2024. How is mangrove ecosystem health defined? A local community perspective from coastal Thailand. Ocean and Coastal Management 251, 107037.

Guerrero Lara, Feola, G., Driessen, P., 2024. Drawing Boundaries: Negotiating a Collective ‘We’ in Community-Supported Agriculture Networks . Journal of Rural Studies 106, 103197.

Frank, L., Feola., G., Schäpke, N., 2024. Assessing regime destabilisation through policy change: An analysis of agricultural policy in the United Kingdom during Brexit. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 50, 100810.


Smessaert, J., Feola, G., 2023. Beyond statism and deliberation: questioning ecological democracy through eco-anarchism and cosmopolitics. Environmental Values 32(6), 765-793.

Guerrero Lara, L., van Oers, L., Smessaert, J., Spanier, J., Raj, G., Feola, G., 2023. Degrowth and Agri-Food Systems: A Research Agenda for the Critical Social Sciences. Sustainability Science 18, 1579–1594.

Henfrey, T., Feola, G., Penha-Lopes, G., Sekulova, F. Esteves, A. M., 2023. Rethinking the sustainable development goals: Learning with and from community-led initiatives. Sustainable Development 31(1), 211-222.

van Oers, L., Feola, G., Runhaar, H., Moors, E., 2023. Unlearning in sustainability transitions: Insight from two Dutch community-supported agriculture farms. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 46, 100693. 

Feola, G., Goodman M.K., Suzunaga, J., Soler, J., 2023. Collective memories, place-framing and the politics of imaginary futures in sustainability transitions and transformation. Geoforum 138, 103668.


Gütschow, M., Feola, G., 2022. Laying the foundations of a more conscious society? How vendors, consumers and organizers socially construct Farmers Markets in Bogotá, Colombia. Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales 13(2), 455-476. 

Raj, G., Feola, G., Hajer, M., Runhaar, H., 2022. Power and empowerment of grassroots innovations for sustainability transitions: A review. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 43, 375-392.

Spanier, J., Feola, G., 2022. Nurturing the post-growth city: bringing the rural back in. In: Savini, F., Ferreria, A., von Schönfeld, K. C. (Eds.) Post-Growth Planning: cities beyond the market economy. Routledge, 159-172.

Truffer, B., Rohracher, H., Kivimaa, P., Raven, R., Alkemade, F., Carvalho, L., Feola, G., 2022. A perspective on the future of sustainability transitions research. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 42, 331-119.


Van Oers, L., Feola, G., Moors, E., Runhaar, H., 2021. The Politics of Deliberate Destabilisation for Sustainability Transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 40, 159-171.

Feola, G., Koretskaya, O., Moore, D., 2021. (Un)making in sustainability transformation beyond capitalism. Global Environmental Change 69, 102290. 

Pocas Ribeiro, A., Harmsen, R., Feola, G., Rosales Carréon, J., Worrell, E., 2021. Organising Alternative Food Networks (AFNs): Challenges and Facilitating Conditions across types of AFNs in three EU countries. Sociologia Ruralis 61(2), 491-517.

Büscher, B., Feola, G., Fischer, A., Fletcher, R., Gerber, J-F., Harcourt, W., Koster, M., Schneider, M., Scholtens, J., Spierenburg, M., Walstra, V., Wiskerke, H., 2021. Planning for a World beyond COVID-19: Five Pillars for Post-Neoliberal Development. World Development 140, 105357.

Terdoo, F., Feola, G., 2021. Rapid Participatory System Mapping Builds Agri-Food System Resilience: Evidence from Nigeria. African Geographical Review 40(1), 63-75.


Feola, G., Suzunaga, J., Soler, J. Wilson, A., 2020. La agricultura periurbana como sostenibilidad silenciosa: desafiando el discurso del desarrollo urbano en Sogamoso, Colombia. Revista CS 32, 279-315.

Koretskaya, O., Feola, G., 2020. A framework for recognizing diversity beyond capitalism in agri-food systems. Journal of Rural Studies 80, 302-313. 

Feola, G., Guerrero Lara, L., Smessaert, J. Spanier, J., 2020. Book Review: The Case for Degrowth. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 37, 381-382.

Feola, G., 2020. Open Societies and Ecological Challenges: Transformation to Sustainability? In: Bovens, M., and Duvell, M. (Eds.) 2020. The Open Society and its Future. Institutions for Open Societies Think Paper Series #1, Utrecht University, pp. 27-39. 

Feola, G., 2020. Capitalism in sustainability transitions research: Time for a critical turn? Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 35, 241-250. 

Feola, G., Suzunaga, J., Soler, J. Wilson, A., 2020. Peri-urban agriculture as quiet sustainability: challenging the urban development discourse in Sogamoso, Colombia. Journal of Rural Studies 80, 1-12.

Feola, G., Sahakian, M., Binder, C. R. 2020. Sustainability Assessment of Urban Agriculture. In: Binder, C.R., Wyss, R., and Massaro, E. (Eds.) Sustainability Assessment of Urban Systems. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 417-437.

Elwin, A., Jintana V., Feola. G., 2020. Characterizing shrimp-farm production intensity in Thailand: Beyond technical indices. Ocean & Coastal Management 185, 105019.


Feola, G.,  Jaworska, S., 2019. One transition, many transitions? A corpus-based study of societal sustainability transition discourses in four civil society’s proposals. Sustainability Science 14(6), 1643–1656.

Feola, G., Geoghegan, H., Arnall, A. (Eds.), 2019. Climate and Culture: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on a Warming World. Cambridge University Press.

Geoghegan, H. Arnall, A., Feola, G., 2019. Climate and culture: taking stock and moving forward. In: Feola, G., Geoghegan, H., Arnall, A. (Eds.) Climate and Culture: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on a Warming World. Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-18. 

Feola., G. 2019. Degrowth and the unmaking of capitalism: beyond ‘decolonization of the imaginary’ ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 18(4), 977-997.

Feola, G., Suzunaga, J., Soler, J., Goodman M.K., 2019. Ordinary land grabbing in peri-urban spaces: land conflicts and governance in a small Colombian city. Geoforum 105, 145-157. 


Oliver, T., Boyd, E., Balcombe, K., Benton T. G., Bullock, J. M., Donovan, D., Feola, G., Head, M., Mace, G. M., Mortimer, S., Nunes, R. J., Pywell, R., Zaum, D., 2018. Overcoming undesirable resilience in the global food system. Global Sustainability 1, e9.  

Feola, G., 2018. Contra la indiferencia: un llamado para la participación  civil en el posconflicto en Colombia. Revista Ciudad Paz-ando 11(1), 51-61. (English translation here).

Nicolosi, E., Medina, R., Feola, G., 2018. Grassroots innovations for sustainability in the United States: A spatial analysis. Applied Geography 91, 55-69.


Barrett, T. Feola, G., Khusnitdinova, M.,  Krylova, V., 2017. Adapting agricultural water use to climate change in a post-Soviet context: challenges and opportunities in Southeast Kazakhstan. Human Ecology 45(6), 747-762.

Feola, G., Barrett, T., Khusnitdinova, M. Krylova, V., 2017. Расход воды в сельском хозяйстве юго-восточного Казахстана: текущие сложности и адаптационные меры по нехватке воды для орошения. Research Brief, University of Reading.

Feola, G., Barrett, T., Khusnitdinova, M. Krylova, V., 2017. Agricultural water use in Southeast Kazakhstan: current challenges and adaptations to water stress. Research Brief, University of Reading.

Feola, G., Butt, A., 2017. The diffusion of grassroots innovations for sustainability in Italy and Great Britain: an exploratory spatial data analysis. Geographical Journal 183(1), 16-33. [Open access here]

Feola, G., 2017. Campesinos enfrentando cambios económicos, políticos y climáticos: adaptación o transformación en los Andes Colombianos? Resumen de Investigación. University of Reading.

Feola, G., 2017. Peasants facing economic, political and climatic changes: Adaptation or transformation in the Colombian Andes? Research Brief, University of Reading.

Feola, G., 2017. Book Review: Community Action and Climate Change. Local Environment 22(7), 902-904.

Barrett, T. Feola, G., Krylova, V., Khusnitdinova, M., 2017. The application of Rapid Appraisal of Agricultural Innovation Systems (RAAIS) to agricultural adaptation to climate change in Kazakhstan: a critical evaluation. Agricultural Systems 151, 106-113. [Open access here]

Feola, G., 2017. Adaptive Institutions? Peasant Institutions and Natural Models facing climatic and economic changes in the Colombian Andes. Journal of Rural Studies 49,117-127.


Sietz, D., Feola, G., 2016. Resilience in the rural Andes: Critical dynamics, constraints and emerging opportunities. Regional Environmental Change 16(8), 2163–2169.

Feola, G., Him, M.R., 2016. The diffusion of the Transition Network in four European countries. Environment and Planning A 48(11), 2112-2115. [Open access here]

Nicolosi, E., Feola, G., 2016. Transition in Place: Dynamics, Possibilities, and Constraints. Geoforum 76, 153-163.

Feola, G., 2016. Translocal grassroots movements and the geography of sustainability transitions: the case of the Transition Towns Network. Paper presented at the 7th International Sustainability Transitions (IST) Conference 2016 - Exploring Transition Research as Transformative Science, 6th – 9th September 2016, Wuppertal, Germany.

Terdoo, F., Feola, G., 2016. The Vulnerability of Rice Value Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review. Climate 4(3), 47. 

Binder, C.R., García-Santos, G., Andreoli, R., Diaz, J., Feola, G., Wittensöldner, M., Yang, J., 2016. Simulating human and environmental exposure from hand-held knapsack pesticide application: Be-WetSpa-Pest, an integrative, spatially explicit modeling approach. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 64, 3999−4008. [Open access here]

García-Santos, G., Feola, G., Nuyttens, D., Diaz, J., 2016. Drift from the use of handheld knapsack pesticide sprayers in Boyacá (Colombian Andes). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 64, 3990−3998. [Open access here]


Feola, G., 2015. Societal transformation in response to global environmental change: a review of emerging concepts. AMBIO 44(5), 376-390. [Open access here]

Feola, G., Lerner, A., Jain, M., Montefrio, M.J.F., Nicholas, K.A., 2015. Researching  farmer behaviour in climate change adaptation and sustainable agriculture: lessons learned from five case studies. Journal of Rural Studies 39, 74-84. [Open access here]

Feola, G., Agudelo, L.A., Bamón, B.C., 2015. Colombian agriculture under multiple exposures: a review and research agenda. Climate and Development, 7(3), 278-292. [Open access here]


Feola, G., 2014. Narratives of grassroots innovations: A comparison of Voluntary Simplicity and the Transition Movement in Italy. International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, 8(3), 250-269. [Open access here]

Feola, G., Lerner, A., Jain, M., Montefrio M.J.F., Nicholas, K.A., 2014. Farmer responses to multiple stresses in the face of global change: Assessing five case studies to enhance adaptation. In: Proceedings of the 11th European IFSA Symposium, 1-4 April 2014, Berlin.

Feola, G., Nunes, J.R., 2014. Success and failure of Grassroots Innovations for addressing climate change: the case of the Transition Movement. Global Environmental Change 24, 232-250. [Open access here]


Hashemi, S.M., Peshin, R., Feola, G., 2013. From the farmers’ perspective: pesticide use and pest control. In: Pimentel, D., Peshin, R., (Eds.), Integrated Pest Management-pesticide problems, Vol.3. Springer: Dordrecht, pp. 409-432. 

Feola, G., 2013. Models of human behaviour in social-ecological systems. In VV.AA., The International Social Science Council/United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, The World Social Science Report 2013: Changing Global Environments, OECD Publishing/UNESCO Publishing, pp. 321-325. [Report | Read online]

Feola, G., 2013. Book Review: State of the World 2011: Innovations that Nourish the Planet. International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food 20(3), 433-435.

Henry, D., Feola, G., 2013. Pesticide Handling Practices of Smallholder Coffee Farmers in Eastern Jamaica. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics 114(1), 59-67.

Feola, G., Nunes, J.R., 2013. Failure and Success of Transition Initiatives: a study of the international replication of the Transition Movement. Research Note 4, Walker Institute for Climate System Research, University of Reading.

Grasso, M., Feola, G., 2013. Human Security and Climate Change in the Mediterranean Region. In: Redclift, M.R., Grasso, M. (Eds.), Handbook on Climate change and human security. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, pp.254-280.

Feola, G., 2013. What (science for) adaptation to climate change in Colombian agriculture? A commentary on "A way forward on adaptation to climate change in Colombian agriculture: perspectives towards 2050" by J. Ramirez-Villegas, M. Salazar, A. Jarvis, C. E. Navarro-Valcines. Climatic Change 119 (3-4), 565-574. [Open access here]

Binder, C.R., Feola, G., 2013. Normative, systemic and procedural aspects: a review of indicator-based sustainability assessments in agriculture. In: Marta-Costa A.A., Silva E. (Eds.), Methods and Procedures for Building Sustainable Farming Systems. Springer: Dordrecht, pp.33-46.


Feola, G., Sattler, C., Saysel, A.K., 2012. Simulation models in farming systems research: potential and challenges. In: Darnhofer, I., Gibbon, D., Dedieu, B. (Eds.), Farming systems research into the 21st century: The new dynamic. Springer: Dordrecht, pp. 281-306.

Feola, G., 2012. NextGen Speaks. Science 336(6077), 32-34.

Feola, G., Gallati, J.A., Binder, C.R., 2012. Exploring behavioural change through an agent-oriented System Dynamics model.The use of personal protective equipment among pesticide applicators in Colombia. System Dynamics Review 28(1), 68-93. [Open access here]

Grasso, M., Feola, G., 2012. Mediterranean agriculture under climate change: adaptive capacity, adaptation, and ethics. Regional Environmental Change 12(3), 607-618. [Open access here]


Feola, G., Rahn, E., Binder, C.R., 2011. Suitability of pesticide risk indicators for Less Developed Countries: A comparison. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 142(3-4), 238-245. [Open access here]


Feola G., 2010. Sustainability Transitions of Pesticide Use Practices: Behavioural Dynamics and Policy Options. Doctoral Dissertation, Faculty of Science, University of Zurich. [Open access here]

Feola, G., Rahn, E., Binder, C.R., 2010. Testing environmental and health pesticide use risk indicators. The case of potato production in Boyacá, Colombia. Short paper presented at Tropentag 2010, 14-16 September 2010, Zurich, Switzerland.

Feola, G., Binder, C.R., 2010. Towards an improved understanding of farmers’ behaviour: the integrative agent-centred (IAC) framework. Ecological Economics 69(12), 2323-2333. [Open access here]

Feola, G., Binder, C.R., 2010. Identifying and investigating pesticide application types to promote a more sustainable pesticide use. The case of smallholders in Boyacá, Colombia. Crop Protection 29(6), 612-622. [Open access here]

Feola, G., Binder, C.R., 2010. Why don't pesticide applicators protect themselves? Exploring the use of personal protective equipment among Colombian smallholders. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 16(1), 11-23. [Open access here]

Feola, G., 2010. Medidas adecuadas para la prevencion de las enfermedades asociadas con el uso de pesticidas/Agrochemicals put health of rural workers and of the general population at risk. Salud(i)Ciencia 17(6), 560-562.

Binder, C.R., Feola, G., Steinberger, J., 2010. Considering the normative, systemic and procedural dimensions in indicator-based sustainability assessments in agriculture. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 30(2), 71-81. [Open access here]

Binder, C.R., Feola, G., 2010. Normative, systemic and procedural aspects: a review of indicator-based sustainability assessments in agriculture. Short paper presented at the OECD workshop: Agri-environmental indicators: lessons learned and future directions, 23-26 March 2010, Leysin, Switzerland.

Feola, G., Schoell, R., Binder, C.R., 2010. Identifying barriers and opportunities for transitions towards more sustainable agriculture through system analysis. The case of Vereda La Hoya,Colombia. In: Darnhofer, I., Grötzer, M. (Eds.), Building sustainable rural futures: The added value of systems approaches in times of change and uncertainty: proceedings. Vienna, A, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, 1873-1883. [Also available here]

Binder, C.R., Feola, G., 2010. Normative, systemic and procedural aspects: a review of indicator-based sustainability assessments in agriculture. In: Darnhofer, I., Grötzer, M. (Eds.), Building sustainable rural futures: The added value of systems approaches in times of change and uncertainty: proceedings. Vienna, A, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, 801-811. [Also available here]

Binder, C.R., Diaz, J., Feola, G., Garcia-Santos, G., School, R., Yang J., 2010. Reducción de los riesgos para la salud humana y el medio ambiente, derivados del uso de pesticidas: El caso Vereda La Hoya, Bogota-Colombia. Universidad de Boyacá, Colombia.


Binder, C.R., Feola, G. (Eds.), 2009. Reducing human health and environmental risks from pesticide use. Integrating decision-making with spatial risk assessment models. The case of Vereda La Hoya, Colombia. University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland and Universidad de Boyacá, Tunja, Colombia.

Feola, G., Binder, C.R., 2009. The integrative agent centred (IAC) framework as a conceptual tool to investigate transition processes in local agricultural systems. Short paper presented at the First European Conference on Sustainability Transitions: Dynamics and Governance of Transitions to Sustainability, 4-6 June 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


Feola, G., Binder, C.R., 2007. Integrated modelling of farmers’ decision making on pesticide use. The case of Vereda La Hoya, Colombia. Short paper presented at Tropentag 2007, 9-11 October 2007, Witzenhausen, Germany.

Earlier publications

TOROC, 2006. Sustainability Report 2006. Organizing Committee for the XX Olympic Winter Games (TOROC), Torino, Italy.

Feola, G., Revellino, P., 2006. EMAS come strumento di governo e gestione dei Giochi Olimpici. PROTECTA 7/8:58-59.

Feola, G., Revellino, P., 2005. Il Rapporto di Sostenibilità TOROC. In: Giordano, R. (Ed.), La Valutazione Ambientale Strategica dei XX Giochi Olimpici Invernali Torino 2006, Edicom Edizioni, 2005. ISBN: 88-86729-75-8, pp.91-94.

TOROC., 2005. Sustainability Report 2004/05. Organizing Committee for the XX Olympic Winter Games (TOROC), Torino, Italy.

Feola, G., Rossi, V., 2004. Il caso studio dell’ARPA Emilia Romagna. In: Croci, E., Melandri, S., Rossi, V. (Eds.), L’informazione e la partecipazione dei cittadini in materia di ambiente, Quaderni di ricerca, Università Commerciale L. Bocconi, IEFE, Milan, pp. 173-187.

Feola, G., 2004. Come valutare le azioni per la sostenibilità? I risultati diuno studio condotto a Ravenna. ARPA Rivista 2, 28-30.

Feola G., 2003. Assessment of Public Participation in Environmental Accounting and Local Agenda 21 Processes in the City of Ravenna (in Italian). Master of Science Dissertation, IEFE, Bocconi University.

Feola G., 2002. Sustainable lifestyles in the consumption society. The „Bilanci di Giustizia“ campaign (in Italian). Bachelor of Science Dissertation, Faculty of Sociology, University of Milan-Bicocca.